Aims & Objectives

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Aims & Objectives

Our school to prepare our students to be responsible, mature and integrated personalities .We aim at developing in our students an awareness of God’s love .Care and concern, through which they may find meaning in life and hope for the future .We seek to form thoroughly educate, person who motivated by genuine love and sprit of service are alive to the needs of our times.Alongwith secular knowledge we strive to instill in our students. Strong personal convictions and right values to motivate their actions. To achieve this we seek to form in them a right conscience in their relations to God and their fellow men with a thirst for truth, a Sense of Social justice, genuine concern for others and obedience to lawful authority.

  • To be committed to academic excellence.
  • To focus on the individual student and inspire each student to do his or her best.
  • To develop each pupils interest in and enjoyment of a broad range of activities including Sports, music, art, drama, outdoor pursuits and Service to the Society.
  • To develop extra-curricular activities, which both in quantity and quality lastingly develop personality, achievement and skills.
  • To provide a safe, friendly and Supportive environment in which each pupil can feel.
  • To be a School where pupils from a variety of backgrounds feel equal and at home and where their social and academic needs are met in an atmosphere of mutual respect and support.
  • To find the hidden potential in every student.
  • To introduce him/her to infinite possibilities and explorations.
  • To pave infinite ways for learning, parenting and imparting knowledge.
  • To help every student find the answer to the question, ‘Who am I’?