Principal's Message

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Principal's Message

A school is a place where students from diverse backgrounds come and learn the basics of life. In the present competitive world, we have to evolve as a system in which technology supports a much wider range of content from world perspective and prepare children for a much challenging tomorrow. We understand the need of the hour therefore technology is widely used in our school, be it smart classes, computer supported account and information system or ever evolving knowledge centres such as Library, Labs and Teacher resource centre. A Plethora of Co curricular activities is an integral part of our curriculum which helps in shaping personalities of the students and inculcation of moral values in them.

We at Kids Paradise Public School aim at providing a conducive environment to the children so that they grow into positive personalities with a broad vision. We need to remember that we are yesterday’s adults teaching today’s children for tomorrow which is full of competition and challenges. We have to update ourselves regularly to fulfill our duties as an educational institute which is known for its quality.


Mr. Girish Hota

Kids Paradise Public School